Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Statement of Purpose, or A Brief History of My Blogs

This is the fifth blog I have tried to start.

The first was a Xanga, but whose wasn't?

I still use the second, although only six or so close friends are allowed to view it, and we have a decade-long close friendship based around it. 

The third was a Tumblr of this same name, which was intended to have a literary theme, but I misunderstood my own interest in the Tumblr community from day one.

The fourth was a beer and travel blog, and I am happy with its three entries. It was put to rest by two things:

I moved to Chile. I'm not traveling, just living.

I know a little bit about beer. I know jack shit about all there is to know about beer.

No, your MySpace blog posts and Facebook "notes" don't count, and neither do mine. I don't have a good reason for this assessment, other than that they're lazy venues.

So, fifth time's the charm? It doesn't need to be a charm, but it's something! Especially because I am abandoning all pretense of a theme. So, this is me:

Seriously, this is me about one minute ago.

But I also have an ex-brace-face smile that just screams, "That chick's not wearing a bra, which is sort of hot. But I don't think she's taken a shower recently."

It's true.

Over the past few weeks, I have had a few writing ideas that are suitable for nothing but a personal blog: lists and rants, hobby musings and thoughts on living abroad, insights into cooking and biking and alcohol other all the other hip nonsense that I love. I am just starting to land a freelance writing job here and there, and I hope I produce something- anything- that has its own link for those darn "samples."

So, enjoy this first entry while it still cusses about boobs and beer!

Here's a Photobooth picture of me using the 'Frog' feature:

1 comment:

  1. Oh god that face is scary.

    And Myspace blog posts don't count cause Myspace revamped and then erased any trace that it used to be a social media site. ANY AND ALL EVIDENCE. Actually a little sad...
